how can I access other emails accounts
how can I access my other emails accounts, Yahoo, Gmail, as needed. I will need a step by step please. Thanks
All Replies (7)
Hi Terry
It is as straightforward as visiting the email services webpage and signing in using your email address and password.
I see your answer but right now I have to jump from one accounts to another to see my 3 accounts. I love to have access in my account to switch and see what is coming in. Thanks for the reply.
You can just open them in different tabs in Firefox as needed.
I'm thinking that I misstated what I'm doing. My grand daughter has a gmail account, but she has it open, she can also look at her other accounts with out switching from site to another, less tabs open and all notifications in one email account. My problem is, she doesn't live in my state.
Ah, I think I know what you mean.
If you have several Gmail accounts, you can switch between them by selecting your user name icon on the top right corner (it might be your initials or an image you have chosen). This will allow you to sign into or switch between Gmail accounts.
This support article from Google should help:
I have one in outlook (Hotmail), one in Gmail and one in yahoo. Some of my family and business can't get there emails to me in hotmail, so I have other emails so they can send to them, than I can get to them as needed. LOL! My world is messed up.
It should not matter too much which service you use, but the receiving party may need to educate their junk mail filters to help your email get through.