I am using firefox78.0.1 and everything on my facebook page is huge
I am using firefox 78.0.1 and i get facebook through it when i down load a video or sshare a video it is too big to see the entire video and some other things like greeting crds and post by others come out so big can not see the entire card or page. I have the newest windows update 2004 installed i have tried to make everything smaller but can not i am using the classic facebook but even when i switch to the new fcebook the videos are still to big
for me to see on my page how do i ake the videos and some posts smaller. they work on all other browsers but i like firefox and would like to stay with it but I am dissapointed that i can not see some posts because they are so large the only wa y i can see the video is click to expand one video was 1440 much to large see the upload image this is how i get the videos in facebook on firefox
Tất cả các câu trả lời (4)
all come out that way
See if either of these 2 support articles helps you correct that issue.
have it on basic page the zoom is 100% but even if i go to 90 or 80 everything is still too big
have tried with add on disabled and still too big
i do not know how to make it smaller
i put the zoom all the way to 70 and still too big I am using windows10 and have the newest windoes update the 2004 mypdate