playing flash animation kills my wifi connection - hellllp! ;)
When I go to a web-page that is quite heavy in the Flash animation, my wifi connection will disconnect from the router, and the video/game etc will freeze/stop. After minimising FF window, the connection re-establishes itself, but whatever I had playing has either restarted(video), or just won't continue(game) after maximising the window. My computer connects to the wifi with a USB 11g Sagem dongle, and browsing normally is no problem. Is this a problem with my wireless adapter, or with the Flash player? This problem is really starting to irritate me, and I need to have somke kind of solution. I don't want to have to buy a new wifi dongle if it's not the problem, but I will if I have to. Any thoughts appreciated. Cheers from NZ
Tüm Yanıtlar (2)
can you try it on Firefox 10?
allready using it. I think I'm gonna try a faster usb dongle, and see if it was a signal strength thing. There might have been too much a/v information the comp was trying to process. The present usb dongle is connected @ 65Mbits, so it should be plenty of speed, so process of elimination points to the receiver. Fingers crossed Thanks for your reply