I can not download my email. the error console tells me that something is corrupted. how do I replace the program without losing my profile?
When I start thunderbird the mozilla message loads, then everything stops. The error console info suggests corruption to me. I think I should uninstall, then install Thunderbird but I cannot find any info on how not to lose my profile with an uninstall-install.
Všetky odpovede (3)
When I start thunderbird the mozilla message loads
What does this mean? Please explain in more detail.
then everything stops.
What stops? Please explain in more detail.
The error console info suggests corruption to me.
Please provide the exact error message.
I think I should uninstall, then install Thunderbird
Why? If the problem is something in your profile you're wasting your time.
I cannot find any info on how not to lose my profile with an uninstall-install.
You wouldn't. Thunderbird stores the profile with your data separate from the program files. In any case, Google is your friend.
When I start thunderbird the mozilla message loads
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then everything stops.
Normally it checks and downloads new messages. this does not appear to happen. When I click on the 'get messages' button the bar at bottom of thunderbird screen shows my email address and 'Connected to mail.sasktel.net...' and nothing farther.
The error console info suggests corruption to me.
Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Thunderbird/chrome.manifest'. Could not read chrome manifest 'jar:file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Mozilla%20Thunderbird/extensions/%7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D.xpi!/chrome.manifest'. While creating services from category 'profile-after-change', could not create service for entry 'Sapi Speech Synth', contract ID '@mozilla.org/synthsapi;1' Timestamp: 9/13/2016 12:39:08 PM Warning: Unknown property 'grid-auto-columns'. Declaration dropped. Source File: resource://gre-resources/ua.css Line: 175, Column: 19 Source Code:
grid-auto-columns: inherit;
there are 7 more of these 'grid' messages
Timestamp: 9/13/2016 12:39:11 PM Error: An error occurred during a connection to mail.sasktel.net:110.
Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
Error code: <a id="errorCode" title="SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP">SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP</a>
1473792309594 addons.update-checker WARN Update manifest for {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} did not contain an updates property
Can you tell from the above where my problem is? I have tried to use 'print screen' but can not get it to work. I hope this gives you enough info to understand my problem and thankyou for your help.
Can you tell from the above where my problem is?
This is your problem: Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
Talk to your email provider. Possibly they screwed up their server configuration.