Mass Editing Bookmarks/Bookmark Manager
Hail all:
Now, Firefox has a very, VERY simple Bookmark Manager, that basically only allows to add, remove, and single-bookmark edit.
Now, I have for instance 6+K Youtube Links, which all, annoyingly, end with " - YouTube". I want to remove that idiocy, but to edit 6+K bookmarks, one by one?
Can you add a way to mass-edit bookmarks?
Also, can you add a "Explorer Tree Style" Bookmark manager, that shows all bookmarks in true Explorer style (As in:
All Bookmarks --- Bookmarks Toolbar --------- Folder 1 -------------Bookmark 1 -------------Bookmark 2 -------------Bookmark 3 ------------- ... -------- Folder 2 -------------Bookmark 1 -------------Bookmark 2 ------------- ... --- Bookmarks Menu --------- Folder 1 -------------Bookmark 1 -------------Bookmark 2 -------------Bookmark 3 ------------- ... -------- Folder 2 ------------ SubFolder 1 -----------------Bookmark 1 -----------------Bookmark 2 ----------------- ... ------------ SubFolder 2 -----------------Bookmark 1 -----------------Bookmark 2 ----------------- ... -------------Bookmark 1 -------------Bookmark 2 ------------- ... --- Other Bookmarks --------- Folder 1 -------------Bookmark 1 -------------Bookmark 2 -------------Bookmark 3 ------------- ... -------- Folder 2 -------------Bookmark 1 -------------Bookmark 2 ------------- ...
(without the "-" 's of course, this was my way to represent the folder and "bookmark file" system in tree form), with an option to see doubles in their respective folder/subfolder, with the normal editing functions? Since ... that would ultimately be darn helpful? Especially when implemented DIRECTLY into Firefox, so no additional tools are needed (add-ons) since these never have what I actually need.
I have a 700+ Bookmarks backup file, which says all. Far too many bookmarks to sift through, manually, without decent tools, thus the need to do it "one at a time".
Thank you very much.
Zmodyfikowany przez cor-el w dniu
Wszystkie odpowiedzi (6)
Ouch, just noticed my entire text format got scrambled, and no way to edit it ... :(
My apologies.
Three thoughts:
(1) Mozilla has launched a new "Ideas" site for suggesting feature changes:
Possibly some of those have been submitted already and you can vote them up and add further suggestions. However, it's probably best to separate different issues like editing and display into different ideas.
(2) Does the display in the Library window (Ctrl+Shift+O) resemble the Explorer idea?
(3) For bulk editing, it's possible an add-on might be able to do it.
Sir, this is one idea: An in-browser editor, with the functions given. So, one post. :)
Also, have not seen a similar, but I did just took a glance, to be honest.
You can possibly edit a JSON backup as it is easier to restore a JSON than importing an HTML backup and you do not lose any meta data (an HTML backup is limited), but you need to be cautious that you do not corrupt the JSON format.
If you are familiar with SQLite then you can use a test query to see what results you get and then update the titles.
SELECT AS "Bookmark ID", b.title AS "Title", h.url AS "Url", p.title AS "Folder" FROM (moz_bookmarks AS b INNER JOIN moz_bookmarks AS p ON = b.parent), moz_places AS h WHERE ( = AND (b.title LIKE '% - YouTube%') ORDER BY b.title COLLATE NOCASE ASC;
UPDATE moz_bookmarks SET title = replace( title, ' - YouTube', '' ) WHERE title LIKE '% - YouTube%';
(edited the first query)
Zmodyfikowany przez cor-el w dniu
Sir, the idea is for an IN-BROWSER editor, so I can edit/delete "on the fly" as i am working on my system. Using an editor in a HTML or JSON file, when this is 700+MB? Not likely. Most editors simply DIE trying to load the file, I have a few good editors that allow big files, but their search function sucks.
I need a tree-style system, so I can see which doubles are where (with 700+MB on JSON/HTML file, it's nigh impossible to see them in an editor, or even find and list them). EmEditor for instance finds the doubles, but lists them unsorted, thus as a bloody mess (it lists them as they are found, thus on after the other when reading the file).
If I can see the doubles in the tree style, it is far, FAR more uncluttered than it is showed in emEditor. And that's one of THE best.
So yeah ... .
Firstly, apologies, it's been very hectic at work, hence my late reply.
Now, it did not solve my issue, I am afraid, but a little has been fixed, for which my thanks.
Still, an onboard BM editor as per suggested would be quite very welcome. :) It is a must-have tool for many I think.
Having to rely on outside sources just is ... wrong, for these kinds of issues.