Sending/receiving e-mail
For the past twelve days, I have been having inconsistency with my e-mail.
I am sparingly receiving e-mail and, I can't send any e-mail. My ISP said, given the error code I was getting, when I tried to send, that. The problem was with Thunderbird.
For the past twelve days, I have been having inconsistency with my e-mail.
I am sparingly receiving e-mail and, I can't send any e-mail. My ISP said, given the error code I was getting, when I tried to send, that. The problem was with Thunderbird.
All Replies (3)
Hi Christopher,
What is the error code? Can you provide any more information about what happens, when, et cet.?
Thunderbird responded with an error code of 1130.
I cannot help, but you may find something useful here: