Comparer les révisions
Révision 6996 :
Révision 6996 par Verdi le
Révision 7104 :
Révision 7104 par Verdi le
Mots-clés :
Résumé des résultats de recherche :
Add another computer to sync in fx 3.6
Add another computer to sync in fx 3.6
Contenu :
#[[T:optionspreferences]] In the {for win,linux}Options{/for}{for mac}Preferences{/for} window, click on the Sync tab.
#Click {button Set Up Firefox Sync}
#Click {button I Have A Firefox Sync Account}
#Enter your Sync email address and password and then click {button Next}
#Enter your Sync Key and then click {button Next}[[Template:synckey-note]]
#You will see a '''Setup Complete''' screen. Click {button Finish} to finish adding this computer to your Sync account.
#[[T:optionspreferences]]. In the {for win}Options{/for}{for mac,linux}Preferences{/for} window, click on the Sync tab.
#Click {button Set Up Firefox Sync}
#Click {button I Have A Firefox Sync Account}
#Enter your Sync email address and password and then click {button Next}
#Enter your Sync Key and then click {button Next}[[Template:synckey-note]]
#You will see a '''Setup Complete''' screen. Click {button Finish} to finish adding this computer to your Sync account.