fixed links and typos
1st draft
Fix broken showfor
1st draft of a new article
empty edit to fix safemode template display https://support.mozilla.com/forums/contributors/704848
added summary; empty edit to fix template issue https://support.mozilla.com/forums/contributors/704848
added a summary - resaving to rerender templates
Fixing typos
added a summary - resaving to rerender templates
en-US About the Knowledge Base1st draft
en-US Support Document Guide
reorganized, moved some information to another document
rewrite - simplified and linked to other new documents
removing an unnecessary curly bracket
en-US Template:profileFolderFixed markup and link/anchor
en-US Template:profileFolderCorrected some markup, replaced ** and ## with * and #
add a summary, fix indented bullet list
fix + key
en-US Template:aboutconfigfix indented bullet