added sections, missing & fx4 shorcuts, and WebM video, fixed table layout, removed keywords
Merged previous 2 unreviewed revisions
added keywords
en-US Superheroes Wanted!Fixed link to register - was point to old tiki page
typo fixing
grammar and small formatting changes
Combined steps to show or hide toolbars
Small changes to intro and step 1. Made video fx35 only. Added link to bookmarks article
fixed broken links and tables, nested lists, removed out-of-date things
added pluginCheck template
added that the WMP Firefox plugin also works on Windows 7
edits to last revision
Lots of revisions, new headings, screenshots for all OSs
Updated for Fennec 4.0
moved requirement section in installing section, back to Windows Media Player plugin name on Linux, added again gecko as keyword
few words that i would have found useful
merged manually the two revisions, fixed nested lists, added a description and fx4 screenshots, removed duplicated keywords, added others
added a TOC for all OSes, replaced WMP by Mplayer on Linux, replaced fx4 by not fx35, added a fx4 screenshot, removed useless keywords, fixed some minor things
Note on how to enable menu bar temporarily via Alt key
Saving work in progress