Comparer les révisions
Mobile keyboard shortcuts - Perform common tasks using the keyboard
Révision 6106 :
Révision 6106 par marsf le
Révision 6130 :
Révision 6130 par Verdi le
Mots-clés :
shortcut mobile
shortcut mobile
Résumé des résultats de recherche :
This is a list of keyboard shortcuts for N900 in Mozilla Firefox.
This is a list of keyboard shortcuts for N900 in Mozilla Firefox.
Contenu :
|colspan="2"|'''Moving around a page'''
|Move down
|{key Down arrow}
|Move up
|{key Up arrow}
|Page down
|{key Spacebar}
|Zoom in
|{key Ctrl}+{key Up arrow}
|Zoom out
|{key Ctrl}+{key Down arrow}
|Go to Location Bar
|{key Ctrl}+{key L}
|{key Ctrl}+{key Left arrow} <br/> or <br/> {key Backspace}
|{key Ctrl}+{key Right arrow} <br/> or <br/> {key Shift}+{key Backspace}
|New tab
|{key Ctrl}+{key T}
|Close tab
|{key Ctrl}+{key W}
|Open link in new tab
|{key Ctrl}+Tap on link
|Quit Firefox
|{key Ctrl}+{key Q}
|colspan="2"|'''maemo5 (n900) specific'''
|Go to maemo task-switcher
|{key Ctrl}+{key Backspace}
|{key Ctrl}+{key C}
|{key Ctrl}+{key V}
|colspan="2"|'''Moving around a page'''
|Move down
|{key Down arrow}
|Move up
|{key Up arrow}
|Page down
|{key Spacebar}
|Zoom in
|{key Ctrl}+{key Up arrow}
|Zoom out
|{key Ctrl}+{key Down arrow}
|Go to Location Bar
|{key Ctrl}+{key L}
|{key Ctrl}+{key Left arrow} <br/> or <br/> {key Backspace}
|{key Ctrl}+{key Right arrow} <br/> or <br/> {key Shift}+{key Backspace}
|New tab
|{key Ctrl}+{key T}
|Close tab
|{key Ctrl}+{key W}
|Open link in new tab
|{key Ctrl}+Tap on link
|Quit Firefox
|{key Ctrl}+{key Q}
|colspan="2"|'''maemo5 (n900) specific'''
|Go to maemo task-switcher
|{key Ctrl}+{key Backspace}
|{key Ctrl}+{key C}
|{key Ctrl}+{key V}