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Crash Report E-mail FAQ

Révision 6141 :

Révision 6141 par djst le

Révision 6150 :

Révision 6150 par djst le

Mots-clés :

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This page answers the most common questions about Firefox crash report e-mails that are sometimes sent.
This page answers the most common questions about Firefox crash report e-mails that are sometimes sent.

Contenu :

We recently sent you an e-mail with new information about a Firefox crash report you submitted. This page answers the most common questions about these e-mails. ==Why are you sending me e-mail?== Some time ago, Firefox crashed on your computer and you sent us a crash report using the [[Mozilla Crash Reporter]] tool. We sent you an e-mail because we have more info about this crash, and you requested in the report that you wanted to be informed whenever we do. ==Why is Firefox crashing?== Crashes can happen due to many different reasons, but there are some things you can do to avoid them. See [[How to avoid crashes]]. ==I still have problems with Firefox. What do I do?== Check out our handy tutorial [[Firefox does not work]]. If you still can't solve the problem, you can [ ask a question in our support forum] and get an e-mail whenever someone answers your question.
We recently sent you an e-mail with new information about a Firefox crash report you submitted. This page answers the most common questions about these e-mails. ==Why are you sending me e-mail?== Some time ago, Firefox crashed on your computer and you sent us a crash report using the [[Mozilla Crash Reporter]] tool. We sent you an e-mail because we have more info about this crash, and you requested in the report that you wanted to be informed whenever we do. ==Why is Firefox crashing?== Crashes can happen due to many different reasons, but there are some things you can do to avoid them. See [[How to avoid crashes]]. ==I still have problems with Firefox. What do I do?== Check out our handy tutorial [[Firefox does not work]]. If you still can't solve the problem, you can [ ask a question in our support forum] and get an e-mail whenever someone answers your question.

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