Comparer les révisions


Révision 8810 :

Révision 8810 par Verdi le

Révision 10789 :

Révision 10789 par scoobidiver le

Mots-clés :

Résumé des résultats de recherche :


Contenu :

{for win,linux}At the top of the Firefox window{/for}{for mac}On the menu bar{/for}, click the {for linux}{menu File} menu{/for}{for win,fx35}{menu File} menu{/for}{for mac}{menu Firefox} menu{/for}{for win,fx4}{menu Firefox} menu ({menu File} menu in Windows XP){/for} and select {for win}{menu Exit}{/for}{for mac}{menu Quit Firefox}{/for}{for linux}{menu Quit}{/for}.
{for not fx35}{for win}At the top of the Firefox window, click on the {button Firefox} button ({menu File} menu in Windows XP) and then click {menu Exit}{/for}{for mac}On the menu bar, click on the {menu Firefox} menu and select {menu Quit Firefox}{/for}{for linux}At the top of the Firefox window, click on the {menu Edit} menu and select {menu Quit}{/for}{/for}{for fx35}{for win}At the top of the Firefox window, click on the {menu File} menu and select {menu Exit}{/for}{for mac}On the menu bar, click on the {menu Firefox} menu and select {menu Quit Firefox}{/for}{for linux}At the top of the Firefox window, click on the {menu Edit} menu and select {menu Quit}{/for}{/for}.

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