When writing Emails, TB skips TWO lines when Pressing Enter (with Correct Solution now)
NOTE: Anyone having the problem described below, the solutions found in other posts here no longer work as they reference menu flows that have changed in the later builds of TB it seems.
I finally found one place (via Google) that told how to do it now.
SOLUTION: If you're sick of double line spaces whenever you hit <ENTER> do this in the current build (writing this on 9/2/2023) -Close all Write windows -Left click on the email account (blah@blah.com) to highlight it -Click on Account Settings (upper right corner) -Click on "Composition & Addressing" -Make sure "Compose messages in HTML format" is checked -CLICK ON GLOBAL COMPOSING PREFERENCES -Scroll down to where it says "Use Paragraph Format Instead of Body Text Format by default" (under "HTML Style") and UNCLICK the box.
Then when you're typing and hit ENTER it will only go to the next line, and not go down a double-line.
Whenever I write an email (doesn't matter if I'm replying to someone else's email, or starting a New Message), whenever I hit the ENTER key, TB leaves a DOUBLE SPACE between the lines.
So instead of looking like this (as every other program that has typing does):
Line 1 <Hit Enter> Line 2 <Hit Enter> Line 3 <Hit Enter>
It looks like this:
Line 1 <Hit Enter>
Line 2 <Hit Enter>
Line 3 <Hit Enter>
(Solution above at top)
All Replies (2)
To my knowledge, unticking the paragraph format option has always been the recommended solution provided here, so I'm puzzled about your post. Also, your suggested series of keystrokes is not needed. All one needs to do is click settings>composition and untick the paragraph format box.
This is how I fixed it.
Go to Tools > Settings, then scroll all the way to the bottom and click on Config Editor. Type paragraph in the search line. You will see a line = mail.compose.default_to_paragraph This is NOT what you want, so, over to the right click on the two arrows (top/bottom) to turn this to False Now it will work for you.