IF I download and install Firefox will I loose any Explorer related things on my pc?
IF I download and install Firefox will I loose any Explorer related things on my pc?
User Agent
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB0.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; yie8)
IF I download and install Firefox will I loose any Explorer related things on my pc?
== User Agent ==
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB0.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; yie8)
Všechny odpovědi (1)
No you won't