can firefox make a os for nokia belle user?
i am using firefox more than 5 years...but always from computer. it will be more fun an enjoyable if i can use it for my NOKIA N8. hope i will get a better solution from you guys
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Nokia belle is a Symbian OS and Mozilla only currently supports Android 2.2+ for mobile Firefox.
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms#Other_Platforms Symbian
We currently have no plans to develop a full Firefox browser for the Symbian platform. See Mobile/Symbian for notes from an inactive project to port Firefox to Symbian.
plz as a request for build a symbian belle os firefox. i dont find anthing better in opera mini.... to make firefox as my (belle user) default web browser. i know if u ppl got suggestion from belle user u defenetly build a os for belle, bu as my request i wanna say if firefox take a step for belle user, all belle user will make firefox as a default web browser.... thanks
You can file a suggestion around this, but please note that developing for other platforms does take a significant commit of time and resources (both to develop and release). If there aren't many users on that platform then it likely isn't going to get a version of Firefox. However, there may be someone in the community that wants to build Firefox for that platform
Hi there,
I guess there might not be too many symbian belle users, but nearly all those people who bought the n8 for hardware reasons might be willing to switch ... so there might be a huge crowd wanting to migrate from symbian compared to the tiny heap of people ready to abandon Android.
As I'm one of the lot heading for new shores I can just encourage you to develope something for belle machines. Really sorry, I can't help, would love to as I really love the mozilla approach to things *sigh*