adobe flash player無法正常運作 影像及多媒體都無法呈現 不過其他瀏覽器都可以正常運作
任何的flash都無法顯示 例如youtube上的影片撥放或是FaceBook的遊戲都無法開啟 不過其他瀏覽器例如google chrome都可以開
Tất cả các câu trả lời (1)
Hi smile810820, if you have RealPlayer see first :
Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox
there is an issue with Shockwave Flash 11.3.300.257 and it seems to continue with .262 (the latest), you can see also: Downgrade - Install Flash 10.3 or 11.2
Probably in a few days released 13.0.2 to help with the uptake of the new Flash update.
thank you