How to setup tablet mode for ios

How can I setup tablet mide for IOS..? I'm running FireFox on my Surface Pro tablet and the viewing area is reduced by the headings. making viewing area diffucult to read… (மேலும் படிக்க)

How can I setup tablet mide for IOS..? I'm running FireFox on my Surface Pro tablet and the viewing area is reduced by the headings. making viewing area diffucult to read..

Asked by hpletz 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 1 மணி நேரம் முன்பு

I am having a constantly manipulation with Google. It loves getting into my iPhone and Roku

I am having an every day problem Google getting into my iPhone and causing me problems. I have had to go to Apple store and reset my iPhone. Nothing has changed I am sti… (மேலும் படிக்க)

I am having an every day problem Google getting into my iPhone and causing me problems.

I have had to go to Apple store and reset my iPhone. Nothing has changed I am still having too issues.

Asked by Yolanda 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 1 மணி நேரம் முன்பு

Help on code for my iPhone 15 sniffer attack on my Mozilla account

The is a sample from an hour ago -help!! These are on going hackers on me as the target {"app_name":"Client","timestamp":"2024-12-08 09:07:25.00 -0600","app_version":"13… (மேலும் படிக்க)

The is a sample from an hour ago -help!! These are on going hackers on me as the target {"app_name":"Client","timestamp":"2024-12-08 09:07:25.00 -0600","app_version":"133.0","sroute_id":16,"slice_uuid":"81f9fff0-b567-36bb-98db-e64ffc7e1b0f","adam_id":"989804926","build_version":"47866","platform":2,"bundleID":"org.mozilla.ios.Firefox","share_with_app_devs":1,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"iPhone OS 18.1.1 (22B91)","incident_id":"60EBD875-94AE-4BA8-98A4-256000AB4200","name":"Client","roots_installed":0} {

 "uptime" : 28000,
 "procRole" : "Foreground",
 "version" : 2,
 "userID" : 501,
 "deployVersion" : 210,
 "modelCode" : "iPhone16,2",
 "coalitionID" : 797,
 "osVersion" : {
   "isEmbedded" : true,
   "train" : "iPhone OS 18.1.1",
   "releaseType" : "User",
   "build" : "22B91"
 "captureTime" : "2024-12-08 09:07:24.5243 -0600",
 "codeSigningMonitor" : 2,
 "incident" : "60EBD875-94AE-4BA8-98A4-256000AB4200",
 "pid" : 5886,
 "translated" : false,
 "cpuType" : "ARM-64",
 "roots_installed" : 0,
 "bug_type" : "309",
 "procLaunch" : "2024-12-08 07:44:11.0527 -0600",
 "procStartAbsTime" : 553415401076,
 "procExitAbsTime" : 673258399672,
 "procName" : "Client",
 "procPath" : "\/private\/var\/containers\/Bundle\/Application\/6113C102-DD7C-4802-B050-D693E25ECC74\/\/Client",
 "bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleShortVersionString":"133.0","CFBundleVersion":"47866","CFBundleIdentifier":"org.mozilla.ios.Firefox","DTAppStoreToolsBuild":"16B39"},
 "storeInfo" : {"itemID":"989804926","storeCohortMetadata":"10|date=1733344200000&sf=143441&prpg=accountSettings_landing&ctxt=Apps&lngid=1","distributorID":"","deviceIdentifierForVendor":"2C6134FF-F9E9-422A-BCB6-62745CB351DD","softwareVersionExternalIdentifier":"870593943","applicationVariant":"1:iPhone16,2:18","thirdParty":true},
 "parentProc" : "launchd",
 "parentPid" : 1,
 "coalitionName" : "org.mozilla.ios.Firefox",
 "crashReporterKey" : "1bc251513b6cfb8499c29689e9fd71eb7aa2df3b",
 "ldm" : 1,
 "lowPowerMode" : 1,
 "appleIntelligenceStatus" : {"reasons":["accessNotGranted","siriAssetIsNotReady","notOptedIn","assetIsNotReady","selectedSiriLanguageIneligible"],"state":"unavailable"},
 "wasUnlockedSinceBoot" : 1,
 "isLocked" : 0,
 "codeSigningID" : "org.mozilla.ios.Firefox",
 "codeSigningTeamID" : "43AQ936H96",
 "codeSigningFlags" : 570450689,
 "codeSigningValidationCategory" : 4,
 "codeSigningTrustLevel" : 5,
 "instructionByteStream" : {"beforePC":"o\/\/\/VAAAgNLhAxaqYgCAUkMAglIEAIASBQCA0hGMQpQfBACxIfb

Asked by RAM22 2 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 1 மணி நேரம் முன்பு

problem with accounts

How do I log in to the iPhone when I no longer have the old phone on which I had the authenticator. It is unavailable to me and firefox persistently asks for a 6-digit co… (மேலும் படிக்க)

How do I log in to the iPhone when I no longer have the old phone on which I had the authenticator. It is unavailable to me and firefox persistently asks for a 6-digit code. This is frustrating not allowing me to create a new authenticator on a new phone or an alternative login in Firefox'

Asked by Boja 3 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by Paul 2 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Can’t install add-ons

I tried to install/download uBlock origin through the official Firefox add-on “store” but it just tells me to install Firefox first. I’m using Firefox right now. Firefox … (மேலும் படிக்க)

I tried to install/download uBlock origin through the official Firefox add-on “store” but it just tells me to install Firefox first. I’m using Firefox right now. Firefox is the only browser on my device… I tried to get another add-on but the issue stayed the same. How should i try to solve this?

Asked by Zi 19 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by James 19 மணி நேரத்திற்கு முன்பு


Not finding downloaded documents

Asked by Don Rtworeen 6 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Ben_Wei 1 நாள் முன்பு

Make it easy

Couldn’t find any cheese at the store today.

Asked by Christopher Swain 1 நாள் முன்பு

Last reply by Ben_Wei 1 நாள் முன்பு

My email isn’t working

Hi There I wonder if You could Bee so Kind as to help my email has stopped working and I have tried Everything to get it back but I’m having no joy Please Can You possibl… (மேலும் படிக்க)

Hi There I wonder if You could Bee so Kind as to help my email has stopped working and I have tried Everything to get it back but I’m having no joy Please Can You possibly Bee so Kind to help Kind Regards Vixen

Asked by Ezra 5 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Ben_Wei 1 நாள் முன்பு

Gah tab has crashed

trying to confirm email per your instructions, my new email is Email hidden for privacy reasons, hope this works, not very computer clever.

Asked by barry davis 2 நாட்கள் முன்பு

Last reply by Ben_Wei 1 நாள் முன்பு

Firefox for IOS update Appstore

This week the Appstore will not update Firefox as it has always done. I manually update apps when notified. It will update other apps but not Firefox. It demands Apple id… (மேலும் படிக்க)

This week the Appstore will not update Firefox as it has always done. I manually update apps when notified. It will update other apps but not Firefox. It demands Apple id but rejects it when presented. Maybe you can help?

Asked by Colin Warry 1 நாள் முன்பு

Last reply by Ben_Wei 1 நாள் முன்பு

Can I disable Search/Browsing history?

I usually disable search AND browsing history, so when I started using this I thought I could disable it but I couldn’t figure out how to disable those.

Asked by UncleG34 1 வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு

Last reply by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு