userChrome.css wont work anymore with my script after updating to the latest version

Hello! I've had installed Firefox version 96, and my config file userChrome.css worked great with my cript for positioning search bar from bottom to upper bar line right… (nadaljnje branje)


I've had installed Firefox version 96, and my config file userChrome.css worked great with my cript for positioning search bar from bottom to upper bar line right below address bar line.

Script is known on the web and that is: /* Move Find Bar above the page*/ .browserContainer > findbar {

 -moz-box-ordinal-group: 0;


When I updated Firefox to the latest version 5.16.0esr (64-bit), this positioning settings for this search bar wont work anymore. It is located as originaly - at the bottom, when you press CTRL+F combination key.

userChrome.css file is located and copyed in new correct directory, it is c:\Users\-username-\Appdata\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\gdjopg16.default-esr\chrome\userChrome.css

It is interesting, if I install older Firefox, then my userChrome.css file works flawlessly and everytime when I press CTRL+F my search bar shows in the upper region. I tested it again if everythink works ok, so when i deleted script code or file userChrome.css, then search bar goes stright to the bottom position.

So, in my latest Firefox version it wont work and I tried everything, searched the web and didnt find solution yet.

Sorry for little bad language, its not my native one. I would really appreciate any help to fix this. Thanks.

Vprašal/-a Luka Hafner pred 2 mesecema

Nazadnje odgovoril/-a Luka Hafner pred 2 mesecema

  • Rešeno

firefox.exe -no-remote doesn't open it's own instance anymore

Running firefox.exe with parameter -no-remote used to open a new instance. Since a couple of updates back this is no longer the case. When I run firefox.exe -no-remote no… (nadaljnje branje)

Running firefox.exe with parameter -no-remote used to open a new instance. Since a couple of updates back this is no longer the case. When I run firefox.exe -no-remote now only a new window within the same instance opens. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? How can I open a new instance?

Vprašal/-a miha25 pred 2 mesecema

Odgovoril/-a miha25 pred 2 mesecema

  • Arhivirano


Že dva dni opažam , da ne morem prek Firefox-a spremljati vsebin na YouTube. Ko vsebina teče je možno spremljati samo zvok , slika pa je zgolj zelena barva. Malo prej sem… (nadaljnje branje)

Že dva dni opažam , da ne morem prek Firefox-a spremljati vsebin na YouTube. Ko vsebina teče je možno spremljati samo zvok , slika pa je zgolj zelena barva. Malo prej sem poizkusil gledati YouTube prek Microsoft Edge in pa prek Google Chrome , kjer pa je ogled nemoten. Kaj mi je storiti? Za odgovor in rešitev zadeve se vam vnaprej zahvaljujem.

Lep pozdrav.

Karlo Perhavec

Vprašal/-a draggmetohell pred 1 letom

Nazadnje odgovoril/-a draggmetohell pred 1 letom