Norwegian security page not loading right (CSS is missing)
Works with Chrome and Edge, but with Firefox 73.0b7 the CSS seems not to load. Page URL: https://www.datahjelperne.no/
Modificado por Lars-Erik a
Todas as respostas (4)
Right. Almost every CSS and JS file didn't load. There's an explanation in the WWW Console (Ctrl + Shift + K): The resource at “%1$S” was blocked by Safe Browsing.
So, we rely on Google Safe Browsing and I really don't know, why these files are blocked in Firefox and not in Chrome.
Ah.. So this is the same issue that blocks the whole page in some other browsers
If Firefox is getting it wrong, and there's nothing dangerous with the site's styles, you can request unblocking here:
This domain is safe:
These domains are unsafe: