Somehow I generated a persistent super-cookie that will not let be use my Bank's website, and Firefox migrates it to any other Browser I try and use. (Yeah. I changed my … (ketahui selanjutnya)
Somehow I generated a persistent super-cookie that will not let be use my Bank's website, and Firefox migrates it to any other Browser I try and use. (Yeah. I changed my password - and that is about all I remember about that. I remember thinking I might forget my first password, so I changed it to something I don't even remember (Ouch!) Firefox doesn't have it stored, I guess I did that (oh, I will ALWAYS remember THAT password!), and I want to reinstall , keep my bookmarks, but trashing all my cookies is okay if I have to. Or just trash that HIDDEN, persistent one that I have NO IDEA where it's stored. On Win7, 64 bit, Firefox 115.19.0 esr Ideas??? Better yet, step-by-step. I am an OLD guy and suffer from CRS "Can't Remember Sh*t") Even downgrading it to 32-bit would be okay. ANYTHING.
Please help me out folks - I am 525 years old in Dog Years as of yesterday. I had a little too much to drink last month, changed my bank password and somehow ended up with that super-cookie and it won't let me back into BMO Bank (The Russians, up in Toronto)
I mentioned to the guy helping me that he had a funny accent, and he got pissed - he said "I no have funny accent. YOU have funny accent. What I have is your MONEY. You want I arrange to take your KNEECAPS, too, Mr. Yankee Funnyman??? Mr. Funny Accent Yankee Funny Man ???
Yeah, he sounded serious. And he sounded really BIG.
And yeah, I could really, REALLY use some help here, people.
I need the few rubles I get each month from my Pension, and I am rather attached to my kneecaps. I don't want to be drinking my Oatmeal through a STRAW, either. He softened a bit when I told him the Vodka was Karkov brand (the cheapest Vodka in the store/entire WORLD), and it is like drinking PAINT THINNER and makes my eyes go in two separate directions. It makes my liver quiver like it's dancing - oh having some king of fit. He also liked my tip about mixing the Vodka with Cream of Wheat, nuking it for 10 seconds, and his dog will gulp it down when you toss it at him (Works with my Tomcat , too! "Skeezix the Wondercat" I wonder where that drunk little bastard is now???)