Da stimmt etwas nicht!

Vielen Dank für EURE Hilfe, liebe Mozilla / Firefoxfreunde, Bitte versteht mich so. Ich habe keine gute Ausbildung in meinem nun 69jährigen Alter gehabt. "Computerarbeit… (ebele ya kotanga)

Vielen Dank für EURE Hilfe, liebe Mozilla / Firefoxfreunde,

Bitte versteht mich so. Ich habe keine gute Ausbildung in meinem nun 69jährigen Alter gehabt. "Computerarbeit" habe ich nötigerweise mir selbst beigebracht. Bereits über viele , viele Jahre habe ich voller Freude mit meinem LG Smartphone und diesem ACER PC gehabt. Nun habe ich noch immer meinen ACER, aber zwar noch das LG, in das ich ab und an schauen wollte, obwohl ich dort einen Akku habe der nicht mehr ganz o.k. ist. Ich brachte dieses alte Gerät, um Dinge zu finden, die notwendig waren, da unsere Schwester verstarb. Auf/ in meinem neuen XIAOMI Smartphone sind diese Notwendigkeiten nicht. Google und sein chinesischer Partner sind mir ein Graus. Angeblich soll die Simkarte kaputt sein vom LG. Egal..... ich schaffte es. Das FIESE ist, das Google mit meinen Daten und immer wieder, seiner Datensucht unangenehm umgeht. Ich will dieses TECHUNTERNEHMEN hier auf dem ACER nicht mehr sehen und haben wollen. Alleine schon, die lila Farbe im Hintergrund macht mich nervös ! Nehmt mir bitte Google raus.Auf dem Chinesensmartphone ertrage ich es noch. Und um sicherer zu sein, habe ich nun auf dem ACER Malwarebytes gekauft bis 08/2026 läuft das Abonnement. Mc Afee hat bis 08/2025 VPN als Abonnement auf Acer und Xiamonie. Ich fühle mich dabei sicherer. Bitte versteht es nicht als Dummheit, aber dieses Techunternehmen ist mir nicht angenehm genug.

Freundliche Grüße an Euch alle, bitte um Verstandniss !!........Michael der Techhasser........llllaccchhhh.....

Asked by MIC KRÜ bangonga 13 eleki

Crash Firefox

The Firefox software has been updated but no longer starts He declares the crash and writes a report that he also can't send Below is the copied report: AdapterDeviceID… (ebele ya kotanga)

The Firefox software has been updated but no longer starts

He declares the crash and writes a report that he also can't send

Below is the copied report: AdapterDeviceID: 0x9a49 AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterSubsysID: 15461025 AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 AvailablePageFile: 11369926656 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 9927241728 AvailableVirtualMemory: 138531400355840 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20241230151726 CrashTime: 1736438524 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1736437070 LastStartupWasCrash: 1 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"Mozilla Corporation":["firefox.exe","xul.dll","gkcodecs.dll","nss3.dll","mozglue.dll","lgpllibs.dll"],"Microsoft Windows Software Compatibility Publisher":["msvcp140.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll","VCRUNTIME140_1.dll"],"Avast Software s.r.o.":["aswJsFlt.dll","snxhk.dll","aswhook.dll"],"Microsoft Windows":["nlansp_c.dll","winrnr.dll","NapiNSP.dll","directmanipulation.dll","twinapi.dll","ktmw32.dll","wsock32.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","winmm.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","textinputframework.dll","Windows.UI.dll","dbgcore.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","version.dll","wshbth.dll","npmproxy.dll","mscms.dll","Microsoft.Internal.WarpPal.dll","DWrite.dll","dcomp.dll","apphelp.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","WinTypes.dll","propsys.dll","netprofm.dll","winnsi.dll","wtsapi32.dll","uxtheme.dll","directxdatabasehelper.dll","dxgi.dll","dwmapi.dll","DXCore.dll","dbghelp.dll","windows.storage.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","dnsapi.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","ntmarta.dll","mswsock.dll","winsta.dll","CRYPTBASE.dll","msasn1.dll","bcrypt.dll","devobj.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","profapi.dll","msvcp_win.dll","ucrtbase.dll","win32u.dll","gdi32full.dll","crypt32.dll","wintrust.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","rpcrt4.dll","combase.dll","ole32.dll","sechost.dll","psapi.dll","oleaut32.dll","imm32.dll","nsi.dll","shell32.dll","msctf.dll","advapi32.dll","msvcrt.dll","kernel32.dll","SHCore.dll","setupapi.dll","gdi32.dll","clbcatq.dll","ws2_32.dll","shlwapi.dll","user32.dll","ntdll.dll"]} Notes: FP(D10-L1000-W0000100-T01) DWrite? DWrite+ WR? WR+ ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} ProductName: Firefox ReleaseChannel: release SafeMode: 0 SecondsSinceLastCrash: 578 StartupCacheValid: 0 StartupCrash: 1 StartupTime: 1736438523 SubmittedFrom: Client SystemMemoryUsePercentage: 41 Throttleable: 1 TotalPageFile: 18038972416 TotalPhysicalMemory: 16965230592 TotalVirtualMemory: 140737488224256 UptimeTS: 6.58705 Vendor: Mozilla Version: 134.0 This report also contains technical information about the status of the application during the crash.

Sent by R.Sansoit

Asked by sansoit.rene bangonga 14 eleki

ChatGPT partiall opens, unable to communicate

Subject: Issue with ChatGPT – Unable to Transmit, or Receive Messages on Firefox Message: Dear Firefox Support Team, I am running version 134.0 I’m using Firefox on m… (ebele ya kotanga)

Subject: Issue with ChatGPT – Unable to Transmit, or Receive Messages on Firefox


Dear Firefox Support Team,

I am running version 134.0

I’m using Firefox on my PC, and I’ve been having trouble with accessing and using the ChatGPT platform. Specifically, when I try to send messages, they don’t transmit or load correctly. The page appears, but it seems as though the messages don’t go through.

Here are some details about the issue:

The problem occurs only when I use Firefox. Other websites and services are working perfectly fine on my browser, so I don't believe it’s an internet connectivity issue, and I have full wifi bars. I can access the site and interact with it on my phone, and on the desktop app (which goes down occasionally), but the desktop version doesn’t work properly. It worked fine for a full day, maybe two. I have a paid subscription. I’ve also noticed the error message in the Console: "Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404" in the Console when I try to interact with the platform. I’ve already tried basic troubleshooting steps, including clearing cache and cookies, disabling extensions, and ensuring my Firefox browser is up-to-date, but the issue persists. Could you please help me figure out what’s causing this problem? Any guidance or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Asked by mtnflowers mikolo 2 mileki

All tabs crashing on desktop

Installed newest version of Windows 11 and now no tabs will load on browser and all show as crashed. Have uninstalled, reinstalled, refreshed and tried all I could and no… (ebele ya kotanga)

Installed newest version of Windows 11 and now no tabs will load on browser and all show as crashed. Have uninstalled, reinstalled, refreshed and tried all I could and no changes. Would love any help.

Asked by Reese mikolo 2 mileki

Last reply by Reese mokolo 1 moleki

Unwanted browser popups: how to turn off?

I write stuff on Microsoft Word Online and lately, I get pop-ups from my browser that tell me to close the site, as it's slowing down my browser. I don't want to close my… (ebele ya kotanga)

I write stuff on Microsoft Word Online and lately, I get pop-ups from my browser that tell me to close the site, as it's slowing down my browser. I don't want to close my tabs, because I switch between them fairly frequently (I'm writing a story, and I need to keep track of other parts so you can see why that's a no-go). Is there a way to turn this specific pop-up off? I get annoyed always closing out of it whenever it shows up. I use FireFox on a Windows OS system and currently have version 133.0.3 (64-bit). I've had this show up in older versions as well, so it's not just limited to this version. Any help fixing this would be appreciated. -Mars

Asked by mars_adept_enten mikolo 2 mileki