Scan QR codes in Firefox for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS Utoljára frissítve: A felhasználók 47%-a hasznosnak találta ezt
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Firefox for iOS has a QR code reader to allow you to load a webpage or search for words from a QR code. This article will show you how to scan a QR code.

  1. Tap the address bar. The QR code scanner button will show up on the right.
    FX iOS QR code reader
  2. Firefox will open your phone camera for scanning QR codes after you grant it permission.
  3. Position the QR code so that it is aligned within the frame outlined by the four blue corners. Firefox will automatically scan the QR code once it detects proper alignment.
    FX iOS QR code capture
    • After scanning, if the QR code is a web address, the page will open.
    • If words instead of a web address show up after scanning, Firefox for iOS will search for those words using your default search engine.

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