Changed: "To disable IPv6 in Firefox:" (find network.dns.disableIPv6) "set it's value to false" to: "To disable IPv6 in Firefox:"..."set it's value to true" This seems to be an obvious error, but
redirect to profiles article
Intro: tried to make it clearer that Adobe's instructions should be disregarded (user feedback)
Added the last screenshot, I guess I forgot it last time.
Changed "list" to "keep" since listing in an account doesn't make sense.
minus ‘because,’
change instructions from aboutconfig to add-on
en-US Bookmarks in Firefoxnit: remove space before final stop
Added info about updating Adobe Reader http://support.mozilla.com/forum/3/612730
update screenshots for win7
Start note with "Is Do this automatically for files like this from now on disabled?"
fix link for uninstalling
clarify when you can be sued, per pfinches suggestions at <http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.marketing/msg/178b32dd38a34688>
remove from que
remove period from end of error message
#Find your crash signature is no longer used on crashes article
"Downloads": corrected to add "all" to option, "Close it when all downloads are finished"
signature link pointed to nowhere
crash signature link pointed to nowhere